

频道:百科问答 日期: 浏览:1240

1朵: 你是我的唯一。(一见钟情)You are my only one. (love at first sight)

2朵: 世界上只有你和我。(你浓我浓)There are only you and me in the world. (you're strong, I'm strong)


4朵: 至死不渝。will never change until death.

5朵: 由衷欣赏。Heartfelt appreciation.

6朵: 互敬,互爱,互谅。Mutual respect, love and understanding.

7朵: 我偷偷的爱着你。I love you secretly.

8朵: 感谢你的关怀、扶持及鼓励。Thank you for your care, support and encouragement.

9朵: 长相守、坚定。Long and firm.

10朵: 十心十意,十全十美,无懈可击。Ten hearts and ten minds are perfect and impeccable.

11朵: 爱你一生一世。Ten hearts and ten minds are perfect and impeccable.

2朵: 全部的爱;对你的爱与日俱增。All love; I love you more and more.

13朵: 暗恋。友谊长存。Secret love. Friendship forever.

14朵: 骄傲。proud.

15朵: 歉意。Sorry.

16朵: 一帆风顺,顺利,顺心。Plain sailing, smooth, satisfactory.

17朵: 伴你一生。Stay with you all your life.

18朵: 永远年轻、真诚、坦率。Always young, sincere and frank.

19朵: 爱到永久。Love forever.

20朵: 此情不渝,永远爱你。I love you forever.

21朵: 真诚的爱。Sincere love.

22朵: 双双对对、两情相悦。Love each other.

24朵: 思念、纯洁的爱。Missing, pure love.

30朵: 请接受我的爱。Please accept m love.

33朵: 三生三世的爱恋。The love of three lives.

36朵: 我的爱只留给你。My love is only for you.

40朵: 誓死不渝的爱情。An unswerving love.

44朵: 至死不渝、山盟海誓、恒古不变的誓言。To die unswervingly, Mountain Alliance and sea oath, eternal oath.

48朵: 挚爱。Love.

50朵: 无悔的爱。Regretless love.

51朵: 我心中只有你。I only have you in my heart.

56朵: 吾爱。My love.

57朵: 吾爱吾妻。I love my wife.

66朵: 我的爱永远不变。My love will never change.

77朵: 喜相逢、求婚、情人相逢、相逢自是有缘。I like to meet, propose, meet lovers and meet naturally.

88朵: 弥补歉意、用心弥补一切的错。Make up for your apologies and make up for all your mistakes with your heart.

99朵: 天长地久。enduring as the universe.

100朵: 白头偕老、百年好合。Live together for a long time.

101朵: 唯一的爱。The only love.

108朵: 求婚。Propose.

111朵: 无尽的爱。Endless love.

123朵: 爱情自由、自由之恋。Love freedom, free love.

144朵: 爱你生生世世。Lve you forever.

365朵: 天天爱你。Love you every day.

999朵: 无尽的爱。Endless love.

1000朵: 忠诚的爱,至死不渝。Faithful love until death.

1001朵: 直到永远。Forever.

1314朵: 一生一世。one's whole life.

9394朵: 永生永世。for ever and ever.

1001朵: 直到永远。Forever.

1314朵: 一生一世。one's whole life.

9394朵: 永生永世。for ever and ever.