

频道:百科问答 日期: 浏览:1236


       The Story of Nantong


       Comic illustrations (VolumeXXII)


       Scenic Spots and Specialties


Suzhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum


       Have you ever seen the longest bayonet in the world? It was built as a monument that is 27 meters long in the Suzhong Seven Battles Seven Victories Museum in Hai'an. The Seven Battles and Seven Victories is also known as the Battle in Central Jiangsu. From July 13 to August 27, 1946, the Central China Field Army, under the command of Su Yu and Tan Zhenglin, fought with 30,000 soldiers against 120,000 Kuomintang soldiers with US equipment in seven successive battles, and achieved seven victories, killing more than 53,000 enemies. Mao Zedong spoke highly of the significance of the Central Jiangsu Campaign, and summarized his methods as "concentrating superior forces to destroy the enemy forces one by one."


       To commemorate the exceptional victories in the Central Jiangsu Battle, the Nanjing Military Region, the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee, and the Jiangsu Provincial Government, in line with the instructions of the central government and the wishes of the Chinese people, built a memorial hall in Hai'an, where the command post of the Central Jiangsu Campaign was located. The memorial hall now serves as a national demonstration base for patriotism education and one of the top 100 classic revolutionary tourism scenic spots in the country.


Tongzhou Zhongxiao Cultural Park


       The Tongzhou Zhongxiao Cultural Park is the first national 3A-rated tourist attraction on the theme of "loyalty and filial piety." Located in the north of Dongshe Town, Tongzhou District, Nantong, it covers an area of more than 160 mu. It was built on the basis of the ancestral house of Lu Fengbin, a retired major general. Designed by Tongji University in Shanghai, it features the architectural style of Jiangnan gardens in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties. The purpose of the cultural park is to promote the traditional Chinese culture of loyalty and filial piety. Inside the park are the Siyuan Building, a multi-functional media and television room, a reading room, the Zhongxiao Arch, the Zhonghua Pillar, the Jubao Pavilion, an exhibition hall housing calligraphy works of hundreds of generals, a long scroll of stone carvings of the Classic of Filial Piety, the Zhongxiao Cultural Corridor, the Stone Carving Garden on 24 Rules of Loyalty and 24 Rules of Filial Piety, the Mural Gallery on New 24 Rules of Filial Piety, a publicity corridor promoting Nantong's first ten celebrities known for their filial piety, and a national defense education corridor. The cultural park has been open to the public free of charge. It has been visited by more than 500,000 people and has been highly recognized by all walks of life. The park has been awarded 26 honorary titles such as the Nantong City Patriotism Education Base, Nantong City Youth Ideological and Moral Education Base, and the Nantong City Cultural Industry Base.


Agricultural Products with Geographical Indications


       Geographical indications for agricultural products are place names used to identify products that come from a certain region, and their quality and features mainly depend on the region's ecological environment and cultural and historical backgrounds. They originated from the Agro-product Geographical Indication certification and protection system led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of the People's Republic of China. The system is an important starting point for adjusting the country's agricultural production structure and helping to revitalize the countryside.


       Up to now, a total of 17 products in Nantong have been registered and protected by the geographical indications for agricultural products by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, which ranks first in numbers in Jiangsu. These products are: Haimen goats, Haimen yellow chicken, Haimen taro, Wannian taro, Haimen adzuki beans, Haimen broad beans, Qidong long green eggplants, Qidong lentils, Qidong green broad beans, Qidong Chinese yam, Qidong sweet sorghum, Rugao yellow chicken, Xiayuan myoga ginger, Xinguan purple peach, Rudong Langshan Mountain chicken, Rudong myoga ginger, and Tongzhou Qi'an square-shaped persimmon.


Agricultural Products Trademarked by Geographical Indications


       Geographical indication trademarks are used to identify products that come from a certain region and to protect a distinctive product's quality, reputation, and other features, which depend on the region's ecological environment and cultural and historical backgrounds. Using geographical indication trademarks is a common practice across the world to protect specialty products. The prices of agricultural products with geographical indication trademarks are generally 20%-90% higher than similar products. The former State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the former General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, and the National Intellectual Property Administration of China have successively certified a number of agricultural product geographical indication trademarks.


       As of the end of 2021, Nantong had a total of 44 geographical indication trademarks and products, ranking third in Jiangsu. The products include Hai'an rice, Rudong rice, Rudong Neopyropia yezoensis, Rudong clams, Lüsi yellow croakers, Bencha razor clams, Hai'an pufferfish, Rugao tatsoi, Rugao white radish, and Rugao Xiangtang taro.


Famous Cultural Dishes


       In October 2021, the Nantong Hotel and Catering Chamber of Commerce and media outlets jointly launched a poll to decide the Ten Famous Cultural Dishes in Nantong.


       The final list is as follows (items listed in no particular order): 1. Stewed vegetables, seafood, and meat; 2. Stir-fried clams; 3. Stir-fried yellow croakers; 4. Braised Haimen mutton; 5. Langshan Mountain chicken braised in brown sauce; 6. Stewed pufferfish; 7. Simmered Bengang razor clams; 8. Braised pork ball in brown sauce; 9. Baipu fish meatballs filled with crab roe; 10. Stewed jellyfish and pork lungs.


Gourmet Snacks


       Nantong also abounds in gourmet snacks. Below is a list of 16 gourmet snacks prepared by Chinese Internet users.


1) Xiting crispy biscuits, which are sweet and crispy;

2) Linzichao cakes, which are soft and refreshing;

3) Nantong crab-roe buns with thin wrappers;

4) Yizhulou clay oven rolls, which are crispy and glutinous;

5) Coin-shaped radish cakes, which are crispy and fragrant;

6) Fried dumplings filled with sweet olive and red bean paste using wrappers made of flour and purple giant hyssop , which are fragrant;

7) Jade-like clam cakes, which are soft and fragrant;

8) Caogong noodles, which have a tough texture and are cooked in thick broth;

9) Rugao Dong candies, which are crispy and sweet;

10) Baipu tea-smoked bean curds, which are nutritious;

11) Shigang scented-tea cakes, which are soft and sweet;

12) Hai'an rice cakes, which are fragrant and fluffy;

13) Peach and sesame cakes, which are made of finely selected ingredients;

14) Zhengchang smoked cakes, which are fragrant;

15) Haimen oyster porridge, which have high nutritious values;

       16) Nantong boiled and fried dumplings, which have crispy crusts and tender filling.


漫话南通 | 第二十一作品:风物满目

漫话南通 | 第二十期作品:宜居宜业

漫话南通 | 第十九期作品:社会进步

漫话南通 | 第十八期作品:社会文明

漫话南通 | 第十七期作品:开放华章

漫话南通 | 第十六期作品:幸福家园

       漫话南通 | 第十五期作品:精彩非遗

漫话南通 | 第十四期作品:人文荟萃

漫话南通 | 第十三期作品:迷人景致

漫话南通 | 第十二期作品:自然禀赋

漫话南通 | 第十一期作品:革命老区

漫话南通 | 第十期作品:近代辉煌

漫话南通 | 第九期作品:抗击倭寇

漫话南通 | 第八期作品:文脉昌盛

漫话南通 | 第七期作品:兴棉杼织

漫话南通 | 第六期作品:千年盐业

漫话南通 | 第五期作品:范堤建修

漫话南通 | 第四期作品:营建州城

漫话南通 | 第三期作品:如海古韵

漫话南通 | 第二期作品:江海桑田

漫话南通 | 第一期作品:青墩文明







       翻译:王海霏 上海外院翻译社
