

频道:生活百科 日期: 浏览:1234

下决心 make resolutions

做决定 make decisions

能够做某事 be able to do sth

准备好做某事 be ready to do sht

在什么的开端 at the beginning of

写下 记下 write down

对,,,确信 be sure about

确保 make sure


(占据时间,空间)(接受)take up

几乎,很少 hardly ever

与…有关 have to do with

许诺做某事 promise to do sth

许诺某人某事 promise sb sth

按时(比如按时完成功课) on time

准时(比如我8点准时到达 )at time

动身去某地 leave for

长大 grow up

尽某人最大努力做某事 try one’s best to do sth

持续做某事 keep doing sth

什么的意义是。。the meaning of ,,,

改善生活 improve one’s lives

制定计划 make a plan

和。。。有相似之处 have…in common

整理我的房间 tidy my room

身体健康 physical health

太而不能做某事 too…to do sth

因为这个原因 for this reason

搬到 move to

寄某物给某人 send sth to sb

从什么中选择什么 choose… from…

从什么中学习什么 learn…from…

学习做某事 learn to do sth

自学 learn by oneself

了解 learn about

介意做某事 mind doing sth

认真对待 take….seriously

分发 give out

赠送 give away

归还 give back

放弃 give up

等等 and so on

例如 for example / such as

由什么决定 be up to

全世界 around the world / all over the world

做某事发挥作用 play a role/part in doing sth

越来越 more and more

越来越好 better and better

越来越差 worse and worse

享受/喜欢做某事 enjoy doing sht / feel like doing sht /love doing sth

做某事是有好处的 it’s good to do sth

感谢做某事 thanks for doing sth

和什么一样。。 as..as… / the same as

不如 not as….as

只要 就 as long as

例如 such as

也 as well

给某人某物 give sb sth/ give sth to sb

靠近 close to

从什么中选择某物 choose sth from…

选择某人做某事 choose sb to do sth

做一个选择 make a choice

忘记去做某事 forget to do sth

忘记做过某事 forget doing sth

看到某人做过某事 watch sb do sth

看到某人正在做某事 watch sb doing sth

到目前为止 so far

让某人做某事 make sb do sth

犯错误 make a mistake / make mistakes

整理床铺 make the bed

赚钱 make money

谋生 make a living

编造 make up

下定决心 make up one’s mind

使显示出 bring out

与。。。不同 be different from

事实上 in fact

什么的答案 the answer to…

在某方面有天赋 be talented in

多余 more than

少于 less than

对什么有益处 be good for

擅长 be good at

与。。相处很好 be good with

向某人要某物 ask sb for sth

向某人询问某事 ask sb about sth

要求某人去做某事 ask sb to do sth

一点也不 not at all

关心 care for / care about

代替某人 take one’s place

以。。。著名 be famous for

想要某人做某事 want sb to do sth

期望做某事 expect to do sth

希望做某事 hope to do sth

计划做某事 plan to do sth

决定做某事 decide to do sth

努力做某事 try to do sth

尝试做某事 try doing sth

感谢某人做某事 thanks for sb doing sth

做某事有困难 be difficult in doing sth

做得好 do a good job

出版 发行 come out

查清 弄明白 find out

打扮 dress up

迷路 lose one’s way

丢脸 lose face

做鬼脸 make face

减肥 lose weight

做某事的原因 reason for doing sth

为某事制定计划 make a plan for sth

开玩笑 play a joke

没关系 never mind

讨论某事 have a discussion about sth

有一天one day

各种各样的 all kinds of

等等 and so on

与。。相同 the same as

让某人发笑 make sb laugh

嘲笑某人 laugh at sb

与什么相似 be similar to

不得不做某事 have to do sth

几乎不 hardly ever

每周一次 once a week

2个多月 more than two weeks

少于一周 less than a week

至少 at least

熬夜 stay up

看牙医 go to the dentist

最新的电影院 the newest cinema

最新的新闻 the lastest news

最新鲜的食物 the freshest food

最差的餐馆 the worst restaurant

最好的歌手 the best singer

最有天赋的舞蹈者 the most talented dancer

最激动人心的新闻 the most exciting news

实现 come ture

获奖 get a prize

认为、考虑 think of

相当多 quite a few

在过去 in the past

下大雨 rain hard

花时间做某事 spend time doing sth

做某事最好的方法 the best way to do sth

修理 fix up

建立 set up

起飞 take off

(外表)像。。 take after

过去经常做某事 used to do sth

习惯做某事 used doing sth

相当多 quite a few

上个月 last month

待在家里 stay at home

好像 seem to do sth / feel like doing sth

上上下下 up and down

进进出出 in and out

等待 wait for

在什么顶端 on the top of

当然 of course

因为 because of

写日记 keep a diary

过去 in the past

坐火车 take a train

拍照片 take a photo

每个人 each other=everyone=everybody

在回家的路上 on the way home

足够的时间做某事 enough time to do sth

对什么感兴趣。。be interest in..

玩得愉快 have a good time/ have a fun time/have a great time

和某人一起出去 go out with someone

见一些有趣的人 meet someone interesting

大部分的时间 most of time

做一些有趣的事情 do something interesting

好久不见 long time no see.

第二天/次日 next day

四处走走 walk around

太多 too many/too much

带回来 bring back

拿走 take away

拿起来/拾起/捡起 pick up

升起 come up

又两个小时 another two hours

告诉/吩咐某人做某事 tell sb to do sth

持续做某事 keep on doing sth

阻止某人做某事 keep sb from doing

刚才 just now

购物 go shopping

怎么回事? how come?

帮助某人某事 help sb with sth =help sb (to可以省略)do sth

情不自禁做某事/忍不住做某事 can’t help doing sth

无法忍受 can’t stand

请随便吃/请自便 help yourself

每周一次 once a week

不得不做某事 have to do sth

在周末 on weekends

几乎/从不 hardly ever

至少 at least

这个问题的答案 the answer to the question

想让某人做某事 want sb to do sth

快餐 fast food

去看牙医 go to the dentist

用什么装满 be filled with / be full of

对什么有益处的 be good for

擅长 be good at

与什么相处愉快 be good with

穿过森林 pass through the forest/ go through the forest

走过街道 walk across the street/road

介意做某事 mind doing sth

也 also=as well

花费多少时间做某事 spend ...(时间)doing sth/ it takes ...(时间)to do sth

问某人某事情 ask sb about sth

向某人要某物 ask sb for sth

请假 ask for a leave

交朋友 make friends

与什么相同 the same as/ as...as

与什么不同 be different from

与什么相似 be similar to

使显现 bring out

伸手去拿什么东西 reach for sth

感动某人 touch one’s heart



做某事对某人来说是很容易的 it’s easy for sb to do sth

变得更好 get better

非常好 much better

与什么有关 have to do with

与什么无关 have nothing to do with

迄今为止 so far=by now

发挥作用 play a role in doing sth

等等 and so on

取决于你 up to you

越来越流行 more and more popular

认真对待 take ...seriously

其中之一 one of...

在危险之中 in danger

在地球上 on the Earth

一遍又一遍/多次/反复 over and over again

将来 in (the) future

看起来像 look like

大量的 许多的 成百上千的 hundreds of=lots of

不同意某人 disagree with sb

空闲 free time

活到100岁 live to be 100 years old

醒来/睡醒 wake up

度假 take a trip /take a holiday/ on vacation

搬去 move to

承诺做某事 promise to do sth

向某人许下承诺 make a promise to sb

遵守承诺 make one’s promise=make one’s word

开始一种爱好 take up a hobby

为某事制定一个计划 make a plan for sth

上表演课 take acting lessons

练习做某事 practice doing sth

绝大多数的 most of...

听得懂故事 follow the story

跌倒/坍塌 fall down

在某种情况下/某一时刻 at some point

看电影 watch movies

帮忙做家务 help with the housework

(将来时)五天后 in five days

(过去时)五天后 after five days

(花了)五天时间 for five days

造车 build cars

感到厌烦 get bored

做某事是困难的 it’s difficult to do sth

打开 turn on

关闭 turn off

(把音量)调大 turn up

(把音量)调小 turn down

切碎 cut up

切断 cut off

覆盖 be cover with

装满 be filled with../be full of..

此时 at this time

为什么做准备 prepare for

准备做某事 prepare to do sth

把什么放进什么里面去 put ..into...

把什么倒进什么里面去 pour ...into...

另一片面包 another piece of bread

还有一件事 one more thing

用高温 at a high temperature

聚在一起 get together

半杯 half a cup

挖一个洞 dig a hole

洗衣服 wash clothes

拿出 take out

传统食物 traditional food

对。。。表示感谢 (give) thanks for...


招待某人吃某物 serve sth to sb

邀请某人到。。。Invite sb to....

看医生 go to the doctor

我很乐意去 i‘d love to.

直到。。。才 not until

闲逛 hang out

在。。。的末尾 at the end of...

乐意做某事 be glad to do sth

帮助某人走出困境 help out

以便 为了 so that

想出 think of

期望 期待 look forward to doing sth

收到回复/收到来信 hear from

去听音乐会 go to a concert

及时到达 make it

书面回复 reply in writing

拒绝 turn down

上交 turn in

照顾 look after

当心/小心 look out

环顾四周 look around

寻找 look for

查阅/央视 look up

回顾 look back

前天 the day before yesterday

后天 the day after tomorrow

什么的开幕式 the opening of...

和谁一起去 go with

班级聚会 a class party

班会 a class meeting

班里一半的学生 half the class

早早离开 leave early

乘出租车 take a taxi

给某人一些建议 give sb some advice

周游世界 travel around the world

去上大学 go to college

接受教育 get an education

保守秘密Keep ...to oneself

害怕做某事 be afraid to do sth

生气 be angry

难过沮丧 be upset

最后 最终 in the end

小心 be careful

就某事建议某人advise sb about sth

跑开 逃避 run away from

把什么切成两半 cut...in half

从。。。获取建议 get advice from...

命令/要求某人做某事 order sb to do sth

生某人的气 be upset with sb/ be angry with sb

对。。。感到心烦 be upset about sth

第一步 the first step