

频道:百科知识 日期: 浏览:1228




       fast a.快的;迅速的ad.快的;迅速的;紧密地

       rapid a.快的;迅速的

       make rapid progress取得飞快的进步

       quick a.快;敏捷的;急速的

       be quick at learning 学东西快

       quickly ad. 快地;敏捷地;急速地

       soon ad.很快地;早

       how soon 还要多久

       sooner or later 迟早

       slow a.慢慢的;缓慢的

       slowly ad.慢慢地;缓慢地


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1.Light travels f_________ than sound.

       2.______ _____ ______ ( 迟早)you will have to make a decision.

       II. 单项选择:

       3.---______ can you be back?

       --- Half an hour.

       A. How far

       B. How soon

       C. How often

       D. How

       4.Remember to e-mail me. All of us hope to hear from you _______.

       A. quickly

       B. soon

       C. fast

       D. quick


       1.faster 根据关键词语than得知是比较级,“光比声音传播的要快”。fast比较级faster。

       2.sooner or later 固定搭配,“迟早”的意思。

       3.答案B。 根据答语half an hour得知是有关频率的,how soon意为“多久以后, 还要多久”。how far是“多远”;how often意为“多长时间一次”;how意为“如何”。



       art n. 艺术;美术

       artist n. 艺术家;画家

       paint n. 油漆;颜料v. 画;绘

       draw vt. 画

       drawer n. 画家

       picture n. 画;图片

       handwriting n. 书法

       singer n. 歌唱演员

       dancer n. 舞蹈演员

       wonderful a.奇妙的;精彩的

       wonderful news 绝好的消息

       beautiful a.美丽的;漂亮的

       a beautiful picture 漂亮的画

       pretty a. (尤指妇女、儿童等)漂亮的

       a pretty girl 美丽的小姑娘

       handsome a. (尤指男子)漂亮的;英俊的

       ugly a. 丑陋的;难看的


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1.Do you know the names of some western a____________.

       2.A friend of mine sent me _________ ________ (一些图片)of the village this morning.

       II. 单项选择:

       3. From my singing you know I have no gift for _____.

       A. music

       B. artist

       C. concert

       D. musical

       4. The ______ news is that they finished the difficult work successfully.

       A. wonderful

       B. beautiful

       C. handsome

       D. ugly


       1. artists 因为有some,所以它所修饰的可数名词用复数。

       2. some pictures 因为picture是可数名词,又是一些,所以要在其后加“s”。

       3. 答案A。 have no gift for是“没有天赋”的意思,for是介词,后跟名词。前面提到singing,所以用music“音乐”。

       4. 答案A。 根据句意,wonderful可以修饰news,其他三个意思上不合适。


       Bill's big brother is building a beautiful building between two big brick blocks.


       act v. 表演;节目;行为

       actor n. 男演员

       actress n. 女演员

       cinema n. 电影院

       go to the cinema 去看电影

       film n. 电影

       see a film 看电影

       movie n.电影

       go to the movie 去看电影

       theater n. 剧院;戏院

       director n. 导演 决策者

       ticket n. 票;车票;入场券

       a cinema ticket 电影票

       action n. 行动;行为

       activity n. 活动

       behaviour n. 举止;行为


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1. Some of his friends have become famous a_______ .

       2. His first thought was to buy ________ ______ ______(几张电影票) for his classmates at once.

       II. 单项选择:

       3. Why don’t you make up your mind to ______ at once?

       A. act

       B. acts

       C. acted

       D. action

       4. Did you ________ to see the movie yesterday?

       A. went to the theater

       B. went to the movie

       C. see the film

       D. go to the cinema


       1. actors 因为前面是Some of his friends,所以演员用复数。

       2. several cinema tickets ticket要用复数。

       3. 答案A。由词组make up one’s mind to do something可以选出答案。

       4. 答案D。句首是did,所以后面动词要用原形。再根据句意,可以选出D。


       When you go to the park, cinema or get on the train, people will ask you to show me to them. What am I?

       答案:A ticket.


       play n.玩;戏剧;表演

       put on a play 上演一个剧 v. 游玩;打(球)踢(球);演奏;表演

       role n. 作用;任务;角色

       to play the role of 扮演…的角色

       part n.部分;局部;角色;部件

       play part/role in 起…的作用 a.部分的v. (使)分开;(使)分离

       show v. 给…看;出示带领;(尤指电影)放映、演出

       show sb. around 带某人参观n.演出;(广播、电视)节目;展览

       a flower show花卉展

       on show 展出;上演

       show off 炫耀

       programme n. 演出节目

       magic n. 魔术


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1. Which TV station is the ___________ (节目) on?

       2. Nowadays, computers _______ ______ _________ ________(扮演着重要的角色) in modern life.

       II. 单项选择:

       3. We _______ the school by one of the students.

       A. show around

       B. were shown around

       C. were showing around

       D. are show around

       4. The photographs are ________ at the museum until October.

       A. show off

       B. show around

       C. show

       D. on show


       1. programme 根据分析,电视节目应该为“programme”。

       2. play an important role in 固定搭配,意为 “起重要的作用”。

       3. 答案B。根据句意,“带某人参观” 的被动语态应为 “be shown around”。

       4. 答案D。本题考查固定搭配的用法。“on show”意为“展出”。


       play a part in起作用

       play cards 打牌

       play a trick on作弄

       play truant逃学

       show up出现

       show one’s face露面,


       music n. 音乐

       musician n.音乐家

       concert n. 音乐会

       go to the concert 听音乐会

       drum n.鼓

       beat the drum敲鼓

       piano n.钢琴

       play the piano 弹钢琴

       guitar n. 吉他

       violin n.小提琴

       sing v. 唱;演唱

       song n. 歌曲

       sing a song 唱歌

       dance v.跳舞n.舞蹈


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1.Mozart is a great m________. He wrote many famous pieces of music.

       2.Let’s ______ ______ ______ ______(去听音乐会)tonight. It’s said that it’s wonderful.

       II. 单项选择:

       3. Langlang is a talent to play _______piano.

       A. a B. an C. the D. /

       4. At yesterday’s party they ________ happily.

       A. sing and dance

       B. sang and danced

       C. singed and danced

       D. singing and dancing


       1. 通过题干以及首字母m,得出句意应该是“莫扎特是个伟大的音乐家”,所以该题答案为musician。

       2. go to the concert 意为“听音乐会”。

       3. 答案C。play the piano, 乐器前要加the。

       4. 答案B。由于时间状语是yesterday,所以应该用一般过去时。sing 的过去式是sang. dance的过去式直接加-ed。


       Tom likes playing the football and his sister likes playing piano.

       应将句中football前面的the 去掉,在piano前加上the。



       cheer n. 欢呼;喝彩vi.欢呼;喝彩;为…高呼加油

       cheer up (使)欢欣;(使)振奋

       clap v. 鼓掌;拍手

       clap loudly大声鼓掌

       congratulate sb. on sth. 祝贺某人某事

       encourage vt. 鼓励;激励;赞扬

       encourage sb. to do sth.鼓励某人做某事

       courage n. 勇气;胆量

       a boy of courage 有胆量的孩子

       brave adj. 勇敢的;无畏的

       brave soldiers 勇敢的士兵

       fear n. 害怕;恐惧;担心

       have a great fear of sth.非常害怕某物

       shy a. 畏缩的;胆小的;害羞的

       afraid a.畏惧;害怕

       be afraid of 害怕…


       I. 完成句子,一空一词:

       1.When they saw us, they waved and c______________.

       2. My teacher always _________ _______ _______ (鼓励我)to study hard and improve my English.

       II. 单项选择:

       3. The little girl is very _______ and she doesn’t like to speak in public.

       A. brave B. shy C. polite D. careful

       4. ---I haven’t seen Jack for three days. Is he ill?

       ---______ . His mother told me that he was in hospital.

       A. I am afraid so

       B. I hope not

       C. I don’t expect

       D. I am afraid not.


       1. cheered cheer 表示“欢呼”,与waved时态保持一致。

       2. encourages me to 固定搭配:encourage sb. to do sth.表示“鼓励某人做某事”。

       3. 答案B。该题考查词语辨析。根据句意,这个女孩不喜欢在公开场合说话,所以应该是很“害羞”。

       4. 答案A。 该题考查上下文理解。口语中表示肯定的回答用I am afraid so,否定回答用I am afraid not,而不是I am not afraid so。


       ---What weather do mice and rats fear?

       ---When it's raining cats and dogs.