

频道:科普故事 日期: 浏览:1227

1. According to - 根据

Example: According to the weather report, it will rain tomorrow. (根据天气预报,明天会下雨。)

2. Along with - 与...一起

Example: I went to the park along with my friends. (我和我的朋友一起去了公园。)

3. Apart from - 除了...以外

Example: Apart from English, he can speak French and German. (除了英语,他还会说法语和德语。)

4. As for - 至于

Example: As for your question, I don't have an answer right now. (至于你的问题,我现在没有答案。)

5. Because of - 因为

Example: The game was cancelled because of the rain. (比赛因为下雨被取消了。)

6. By means of - 通过...方式

Example: We can communicate by means of email or phone. (我们可以通过电子邮件或电话交流。)

7. Due to - 由于

Example: The flight was delayed due to bad weather. (航班因为恶劣天气而延误。)

8. Except for - 除了...之外

Example: Everyone attended the meeting except for John. (除了约翰,每个人都参加了会议。)

9. In addition to - 除...之外还有

Example: In addition to his job, he also volunteers at a local charity organization. (除了工作,他还在当地的慈善组织做志愿者。)

10. In front of - 在...前面

Example: The car was parked in front of the house. (车停在房子前面。)

11. In spite of - 尽管

Example: In spite of the bad weather, we still went for a walk. (尽管天气不好,我们还是去散步了。)

12. Instead of - 代替

Example: I'll have tea instead of coffee. (我喝茶代替咖啡。)

13. On account of - 因为

Example: On account of his illness, he couldn't attend the meeting. (因为他生病了,他无法参加会议。)

14. On behalf of - 代表

Example: I'm here on behalf of the company to discuss the new project. (我代表公司来讨论新项目。)

15. On top of - 在...之上

Example: The cat is sitting on top of the table. (猫坐在桌子上面。)

16. Out of - 从...中

Example: Out of all the applicants, only three were selected for the job. (从所有的申请人中,只有三个人被选中了。)

17. Over and above - 超过...之上

Example: He works over and above what is expected of him. (他的工作超出了他的职责范围。)

18. Prior to - 在...之前

Example: Please arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of the meeting. (请至少提前15分钟到达会议开始前。)

19. Regardless of - 不管

Example: Regardless of the cost, we must finish the project on time. (不管花费多少,我们必须按时完成项目。)

20. Alongside - 在...旁边

Example: The new building was constructed alongside the old one. (新建筑物建在旧建筑物旁边。)

21. At the expense of - 以...为代价

Example: He achieved success at the expense of his personal life. (他以个人生活为代价取得了成功。)

22. By virtue of - 凭借

Example: She got the job by virtue of her experience and qualifications. (她凭借自己的经验和资格获得了这份工作。)

23. For the sake of - 为了...起见

Example: We need to make some changes for the sake of our customers. (我们需要为了顾客的利益做出一些改变。)

24. In accordance with - 根据

Example: The decision was made in accordance with company policy. (决定是根据公司政策做出的。)

25. In case of - 如果发生

Example: In case of an emergency, please call 911 immediately. (如果发生紧急情况,请立即拨打911。)

26. In lieu of - 代替

Example: He received a bonus in lieu of a salary increase. (他得到了一笔奖金代替薪资增加。)

27. In order to - 为了

Example: We need to work hard in order to achieve our goals. (为了实现我们的目标,我们需要努力工作。)

28. In relation to - 关于

Example: The report provides information in relation to the company's financial performance. (报告提供了有关公司财务表现的信息。)

29. In spite of - 尽管

Example: In spite of his busy schedule, he always finds time for his family. (尽管他的日程很忙,他总是会为家人找时间。)

30. Next to - 紧挨着

Example: The hotel is located next to the train station. (酒店紧挨着火车站。)

31. On account of - 因为

Example: On account of the traffic jam, we arrived late for the meeting. (因为交通堵塞,我们迟到了会议。)

32. On top of - 在...之上

Example: He put his hat on top of the coat rack. (他把帽子放在衣架上面。)

33. Other than - 除了...以外

Example: Other than English, he can also speak Spanish and Italian. (除了英语,他还会说西班牙语和意大利语。)

34. Outside of - 在...之外

Example: Outside of work, he enjoys playing sports and reading books. (工作之外,他喜欢打运动和读书。)

35. Prior to - 在...之前

Example: Please submit your report prior to the deadline. (请在截止日期之前提交你的报告。)

36. With regard to - 关于

Example: The manager will speak with regard to the new project at the meeting. (经理将在会议上就新项目发表讲话。)

37. Alongside of - 在...旁边

Example: The river flows alongside of the highway. (河流沿着公路流动。)

38. As far as - 就...而言

Example: As far as I know, he's still working for the same company. (就我所知,他仍在同一家公司工作。)

39. As well as - 以及

Example: She speaks French as well as English. (她会说法语和英语。)

40. At the expense of - 以...为代价

Example: He achieved success at the expense of his health. (他以健康为代价取得了成功。)

41. By means of - 通过...方式

Example: We can communicate by means of email or phone. (我们可以通过电子邮件或电话交流。)

42. Due to - 由于

Example: The flight was cancelled due to bad weather. (航班因为恶劣天气而取消了。)

43. In addition to - 除了...之外还有

Example: In addition to his job, he also volunteers at a local charity organization. (除了工作,他还在当地的慈善组织做志愿者。)

44. In front of - 在...前面

Example: The car was parked in front of the house. (车停在房子前面。)

45. In spite of - 尽管

Example: In spite of the bad weather, we still went for a walk. (尽管天气不好,我们还是去散步了。)

46. Instead of - 代替

Example: I'll have tea instead of coffee. (我喝茶代替咖啡。)

47. On behalf of - 代表

Example: I'm here on behalf of the company to discuss the new project. (我代表公司来讨论新项目。)

48. Out of - 从...中

Example: Out of all the applicants, only three were selected for the job. (从所有的申请人中,只有三个人被选中了。)

49. Regardless of - 不管

Example: Regardless of the cost, we must finish the project on time. (不管花费多少,我们必须按时完成项目。)

50. With respect to - 关于

Example: The report provides information with respect to the company's financial performance. (报告提供了有关公司财务表现的信息。)