

频道:床上用品 日期: 浏览:1210


尺子 ruler、橡皮 eraser、铅笔 pencil、笔 pen、墨汁 ink、计算器 caculator、书包 school bag、文具盒 pencil case、字典 dictionary、课本 textbook、闹钟 clock、书桌 desk、地球仪 globe、地图 map、小刀 knife、订书机 stapler、记号笔 marker、蜡笔 crayon、三角板 setsquare、圆规 compasses,等等。

纸巾(Tissue)这些都是日常生活中常用的物品,与人们的个人卫生和生活便利息息相关。 服饰类 上衣(Shirt)裤子(Pants)裙子(Skirt)鞋子(Shoes)围巾(Scarf)等。这些是人们穿着的服饰,根据性别、季节和场合有不同的种类和款式。

单词有:coat、shirt、blouse、trousers、jacket。词汇解析:coat 英 [kt] 美 [kot]n. 外套 A long thin wool coat and a purple headscarf protected her against the wind 一件薄薄的羊毛长外套和一条紫色的头巾为她挡了风。



There are many clothes in my bedroom.我的卧室有很多衣服。There is a beautiful picture on the wall.墙上有一幅漂亮的画。

This is my room. There is a bed near the window. The bed is small. There is a desk and two chairs in it. There are some books on the desk. The walls are very white. There are some pictures on the wall. There is a bookshelf near the desk.是我的房间。

My bedroom does not have a large space but it is very cozy and warm.我的卧室不大但是温馨。 I have lived here since I was little/only 5 year-old.我从小/五岁就住在这。

on my desk .Next to the desk ,there is a bookshelf .I have so many books .I always read them in my sparetime .翻译:我有一个舒适的房间,它不是很大但很漂亮。靠近门的地方有一张桌子,桌子上有一台电脑和一个台灯,挨着桌子是一个书柜,我有许多的书,我常常在闲暇时间读它们。

我有一个很好的房间,它又大又漂亮。 窗户旁边有一张床,床上有一些有趣的洋娃娃,床的旁边有一张大书桌,书桌上有一张漂亮的照片、一盏台灯、一个录音机,还有一些书和许多拼图。我每天都听录音读英语。我非常喜欢读书。有时,做完作业后我会玩拼图。

I also planted some flowers on my balcony. 我的阳台上面还种了一些花花草草。There is also a bathroom in my bedroom. 我的卧室里面还有一个卫生间。My wardrobe is big and new. 我的衣柜很大很新。
