

频道:百科问答 日期: 浏览:1259


I can wait for the sun in the early morning, but I just don't want to see the sunset in the evening. I mean, I don't want anyone but you.


I'd like to have a barbecue downstairs in the morning with you, take a bike ride on the beach in summer, go to a concert we both like, and lie in bed together on weekends. Do all the romantic things.


I like long winded and sweet love, just like clocking in. No matter how late I go to bed, I will say "I'm sleeping" to each other. If I wake up in the morning, I will say "it's a pig that hasn't got up yet".


I can wear skirts, tie up my hair, call your name nice, say good morning and good night to you every day, but only if you are mine.


One day, I will tell you all the past sadness. You will look at me with a smile, rub my hair, hug me and say, OK, I'm here now!


Summer is coming, I want to chat with you eating watermelon. When you look up at the starry sky, I secretly kiss you and whisper that I like you, but I won't let you hear me clearly. I'm afraid you are proud.


I have heard the most gentle words: "it doesn't matter, you can share happiness with me, or you can complain about grievances with me. I listen that we are together, and I will always stand on your side."
