

频道:生活百科 日期: 浏览:1228






       Child: Mommy, will you play kitchen with me?

       宝宝:妈妈,您能跟我 玩小厨房 吗?


       Mom: Sure! Let's use your new kitchen toys .

       妈妈:好呀!咱们就用你的新 厨房玩具 吧。

       Child: What's this one called, Mommy?


       Mom: Let's lay them all out and I will tell you the names of each one and what they are used for.

       妈妈:咱们 它们 摆好 ,然后我告诉你每一个都叫什么,都是干什么用的。

       From the left side to the right side we have:


       (1) A whisk 搅拌器

       – we use this to mix ingredients together

       我们用它 原料 搅合在一起

       or for mixing eggs up to make scrambled eggs

       或者 打鸡蛋 ,做 炒鸡蛋

       (2) A chef's knife 厨师刀

       – we use this knife to cut fruit and vegetables

       我们用这个刀 水果和蔬菜

       (3) A spoon 勺子

       – to eat with


       (4) A fork 叉子

       - to eat with


       (5) A dinner knife 餐刀

       – to cut your food up to eat


       (6) A ladle 汤勺

       – to serve soup


       Serve这个词,指的是将饭菜盛好、上桌,我们认为和中文的“盛”是比较对应的。但是,get这个万能动词用来翻译这里的“盛”更常见。你能给我盛点米饭吗,用Could you get / serve me some rice, please? Get比较随意,serve比较正式。

       (7) A spatula 铲子

       – to lift and move food from and around the pan


       (8) A masher 捣碎器

       – to make food soft like mashed potatoes

       用来把食物弄软,比如 土豆泥

       (9) A cleaver knife 剁肉刀

       – for cutting meat



       (10) A slotted spoon 漏勺

       – for scooping things out of liquid like an egg out of boiling water

       用来 汤水 里捞 东西,比如从开水里捞鸡蛋

       (11) And a spoon 勺

       – for serving food


       Then you have your little kitchen .

       然后是你的 小厨房

       It has 2 burners (3), each with its own temperature knob (4) and a pot (2) and a pan (1).

       它有两个 灶眼 ,每个各有一个温度调节 旋钮 、一个煮锅和一个煎锅。


       Child: Thank you. I am going to make you some pancakes first.

       宝宝:谢谢。我先给您做点 烤饼

       Mom: Yummy ! I love pancakes.

       妈妈: 太好吃了 !我喜欢烤饼。

       You can use your whisk to mix up the ingredients .

       你可以用搅拌器把 原料 搅合到一起。

       Then pour them into the pan and use the spatula to flip them over .

       然后 它们 倒进 锅里,用铲子 翻炒 它们。

       Child: Here you go , Mommy, pancakes with maple syrup .

       宝宝: 给您 ,妈妈, 枫树蜜 烤饼。

       Mom: These look delicious , thank you.

       妈妈:看起来 很好吃 ,谢谢你。

       May I have a fork and knife to eat them with, please?

       能给我 一副刀叉 来吃它们吗?

       Child: Here you go.


       Now I will make you dinner .

       现在我要 做晚饭 了。

       Mom: Great! What are you going to cook for me now?

       妈妈:很好!你现在要 什么呀?

       Child: I will make you some chicken, mashed potatoes, and green beans .

       宝宝:我给您做鸡肉、土豆泥和 豆角

       Let's use the oven to roast the chicken.

       咱们用这个 烤箱 鸡。

       I am going to use my masher to make the potatoes all mushy and cook the beans in the pot.

       我要用我的捣碎器把土豆打得 烂烂的 ,然后用这个锅煮豆角。

       I can scoop them out of the hot water with the slotted spoon.


       Mom: This is delicious, thank you.


       You did a great job using all your new kitchen utensils .

       你用这些 厨具 用得很好。


       回复 厨具餐具图 给微信公众号:你和宝宝说英语,查看清晰大图。