

频道:家有妙招 日期: 浏览:1222

       People gather at the Mingyangshan Mortuary House in Changsha, capital of Central China's Hunan province on Monday to bid farewell to Yuan Longping, dubbed the "father of hybrid rice". The top rice scientist died of organ failure at age 91 in the city on May 22, 2021. [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

       >Farewell to 'father of hybrid rice'


       China on Monday morning held a memorial service to bid farewell to Yuan Longping, known as the "father of hybrid rice," who passed away on Saturday. Despite being a busy work day, thousands of people dressed in black showed up and laid flowers at the site before the service began at 10 am in Changsha, capital of Central China's Hunan province. The top rice scientist, who in 1973 developed the first high-yield hybrid rice strain, died of organ failure at 91 in Changsha.


       The agronomist spent over five decades researching and improving hybrid rice, which has reached its third generation, helping China work a great wonder - feeding nearly one-fifth of the world's population with less than 9 percent of the world's total arable land.


       His lifelong dedication to reducing hunger made him a household name in China, where getting enough to eat was once a serious problem.


       In 2019, Yuan was awarded the Medal of the Republic, China's highest state honor.


       This simulation shows the Chinese Martian rover, Zhurong. [Photo/China National Space Administration]

       >Rover drives onto Martian surface


       China's first Mars rover, Zhurong, has started its scientific exploration after moving from the landing platform onto the Red Planet's surface, the China National Space Administration announced on Saturday. Zhurong's first successful drive made China the second country after the US to land and operate a rover on Mars. According to the telemetry data, Zhurong set its wheels on Martian soil at 10:40 am (Beijing Time) on Saturday, the space agency said.


       China's Tianwen-1 mission, consisting of an orbiter, a lander and a rover, was launched on July 23, 2020.


       The lander carrying the rover touched down in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars, on May 15.


       Rescue workers carry equipment to save runners who were victims of extreme weather during a mountain marathon race in Baiyin, Northwest China's Gansu province, on Saturday. [Photo/China News Service]

       >21 runners die in extreme weather


       Twenty-one marathoners-some among China's most promising athletes-died in extreme weather during an annual mountain ultramarathon in Baiyin, Northwest China's Gansu province, local authorities said on Sunday.


       Another eight were hospitalized for minor injuries, and the rest were rescued and are safe and sound.


       The tragedy came after a round of hail, freezing rain and high winds caught 172 lightly dressed marathon runners off guard on Saturday as they were racing across winding mountainous tracks in the central part of Gansu.


       Local officials said temperatures fell sharply at about 1 pm, when most participants were 20 to 30 kilometers into the 100-km race.


       The race was immediately halted as many runners began showing symptoms, including reduced body temperature, they added.


       Local authorities said more than 1,200 rescuers had been deployed in the search for the missing.


       Poor signal reception in the mountains posed a major challenge during the operation, along with the complex terrain and falling temperatures overnight.


       Zhang Xuchen, mayor of Baiyin, said at a news conference on Sunday that he was remorseful and offered "deep condolences" to the families of the victims.

       白银市市长张旭晨在5月23日的新闻发布会上说,他深感内疚和自责,并向遇难者家属表示"沉痛哀悼 "。

       He described the tragedy as a "public security incident caused by local extreme weather", adding that the provincial government has begun to look into the deaths.


       An aerial view of Fudao, a winding pedestrian greenway in Fuzhou, Fujian province. [Photo/China Daily]

       >Air quality improved in April


       Air quality in Chinese cities improved in April, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.


       For 339 cities monitored by the ministry, the share of good air quality days stood at 92.5 percent last month, up 3.8 percentage points year on year, ministry data showed.


       The average PM2.5 density dropped by 15.2 percent year-on-year and the average density of PM10 shrank 11.3 percent year-on-year to 55 micrograms per cubic meter.


       The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and the neighboring area saw their share of good air quality days increase by 4.4 percentage points to 84.5 percent last month.


       In the first four months, the share of good air quality days stood at 83.8 percent, down 0.9 percentage points, while the average PM2.5 density dropped by 2.4 percent to 41 micrograms per cubic meter.


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