

频道:百科问答 日期: 浏览:1245

Talking about emotions. 聊聊情绪



A: Have you heard about that new fast food place called Jimmy’s?

B: Nah, what about it?

       A: I heard that they serve the best hot dogs in town. I really wanna try.

B: I’m not a big fan of hot dogs, but I would love to go check it out sometime.

       A: Really? You wanna go now? Cuz I was thinking about going today.

B: Not really. I’m not in the mood for a hot dog. Actually, I’m not in the mood to do anything right now.

       A: Why? Are you okay?

B: Nah, my wife and I have been fighting a lot, which really makes me feel down in the dumps. She’s like, always jealous of nothing. And that can be very annoying.

A: Yeah, understandable. I’ve been there. Well, the key to a healthy relationship is that you should always talk it out when you encounter a problem. It really helps! Personally, I feel very happy right now because my girlfriend and I talk all the time.


例句:We don’t serve alcohol here.我们这里不供应酒。名词为 server 服务员,等于 waiter ; 也可以表示服务器;另一个名词为 service . 表示服务;例句: Their service sucks.他们的服务太差了。

       例句: I’m not jealous of you.我才不羡慕嫉妒你呢; 名词为 jealousy .

       例句:I like to annoy people.我喜欢去烦别人;形容词为 annoying‘烦人的’和annoyed’被烦到了的’ ;例句:You are annoying!你这人太烦人了!; Are you annoyed?你被烦到了吗?

例句:Yeah, that’s understandable. 嗯,这可以理解;另外一个形容词为 understanding. 为‘善解人意的’; 例句:Thank you for being so understanding.谢谢你这么善解人意。

       例句:We encountered lots of problems last week.上个礼拜我们遇到了很多问题; I encountered your brother this morning.今天早上我偶遇到你哥哥了。

       例句:It really helps. 这真的有帮助的。

       例句:I don’t know her personally. 我个人不认识她(我们没有私交); Personally, I think you went a bit too far. 就我个人而言,我觉得你做的稍微有点过分了。

       例句:We don’t talk anymore. 我们不联系了不交流了。















B: 没有啊,怎么了?

       A: 我听说他们有最好吃的热狗,我真的想去试试。



B: 不想,现在没心情吃热狗,事实上,现在没心情做任何事情。

       A: 为什么?你没事吧?

B: 不怎么好,我跟我老婆最近吵架吵的很多。这也让我心情很低落。她总是无缘无故的吃醋,这真的会很烦人的。

       A: 嗯,可以理解。我也遇到过这样的情况。一个健康的感情关键在于每次遇到问题,你应该好好沟通。这真的有帮助的。就我个人而言,我还是很幸福的,因为我一直都会跟我的女朋友好好沟通交流。