

频道:生活百科 日期: 浏览:1237

       > ESA wants to give the moon its own time zone


       An illustration shows the orbital transfer injection by Chang'e 5's orbiter-reentry capsule combination. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

       With more lunar missions than ever on the horizon, the European Space Agency wants to give the moon its own time zone.


       The agency said space organizations around the world are considering how best to keep time on the moon.


       European space officials said an internationally accepted lunar time zone would make it easier for everyone, especially as more countries and even private companies aim for the moon and NASA is preparing to send astronauts there.


       Right now, without a standard lunar time, each moon mission runs on the time of the country that is operating the spacecraft.


       Giving the moon its own time zone sounds cool, but it's definitely not easy to implement.


       “Having established a working time system for the moon, we can go on to do the same for other planetary destinations”, said Bernhard Hufenbach, a member of the Moonlight Management Team from ESA's Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration.


       > Shanghai's first “forest library” opened to the public



       The first “forest library” in Shanghai recently opened to the public, giving readers the chance to relax and read in a natural environment. Known as Read & Joy Forest, the forest library was jointly launched by Pudong New Area and Shanghai Library and is located in an urban green space area near Shanghai Library East. Covering an area of 20,546 square meters, it allows visitors to take a pleasant walk in the quiet and verdant forest, which includes Camphor, Cedar and Osmanthus trees.


       The design of the forest library ensures minimal disturbance to the forest, with existing green spaces connected by wooden walkways.


       The library is in the open air and equipped with facilities such as benches and an information booth.


       Most of the visitors to the forest library were young people and parents with their children, who either immersed themselves in reading or took leisurely strolls in the forest.


       > Government officials endorse hometown tourism

       文旅局长们“花式开卷” 为家乡旅游代言

       A screen shot of a video in which Yin Wentao promotes his hometown by putting on armor and a cloak to play an ancient soldier [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

       Recently, many government officials across the country have put themselves into videos promoting local culture and tourism resources. The videos, published over short-video platforms such as Douyin, have drawn lot of attention from netizens.


       As a civil servant, Yin Wentao is proud that he could help promote his hometown by putting on armor and a cloak to play an ancient soldier in a publicity video. He is deputy head of the bureau of culture and tourism of Lintao county, Dingxi in Gansu province.


       "Using short videos over new media platforms to promote tourism has become an effective publicity channel," Yin said, adding that he and his colleagues wanted to do something and achieve good results.“我注意到,近年来用短视频来推介地方旅游和文化,已经成为一个有效的宣传推广方式。他和同事们为家乡旅游‘代言’,取得了很好的效果。”

       To promote the tourism industry of her hometown, Du Bo, the director of the culture and tourism bureau, shot videos of herself walking outside in the harsh winter cold wearing ethnic clothing.


       In the video, Du can be seen walking through a birch tree forest while wearing an elegant white dress. She is also wearing a headpiece decorated with deer antlers designed to make her look like a "white deer fairy". "At that time, the temperature was lower than minus 20 degrees Celsius, " said Du.


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